Fear Of An Obsession
By Penelope Lynn
Grant has been working for the government on a top-secret project, to reverse engineer an alien spacecraft. The propulsion system was damaged when the spacecraft was struck by lightning. Grant designs a blueprint of the craft, but when he is digging through the main computer, the mother board translates the information into English, and Grant realizes mankind will be exterminated if the spacecraft is repaired.
Elle is not normal, Grant did something to her that might not be able to be undone. He implated a blueprint in the interior core of her brain for safe keeping. But removing it could damage the blueprint, and kill Elle.
Elle can't navigate the dangerous road ahead of her alone. She needs a protector, one that fits a certain profile, someone like Heath. Heath was injured when he was infected by an alien parasite, now he is more machine than human. Grant reprograms the chip that was implated in Heath's vertebrae, and to activate the chip, Grant installs German commands. Zerstore sie, or in English terms, destroy them. The program enhances Heath's skills and makes him lethal.
Everything happens at once, Elle is accused of murder and the extraterrestrials will do whaterver it takes to get thier blueprint back. With reality crumbling, how far down the rabbit hole will Elle have to fall, only to learn the truth about her past, the past that has been wiped from her memory a long time ago.